Cost Savings Ideas
Optimize Design for Castability and Cost Savings:
Helpful Design Basics:
- The Basic wall section recommended for A380 /A383 Alloy is 2.5mm/3.0mm for most castings
- Draft angels should be no less than 1.5-2.0 degrees per side (3.0 Degrees per side is preferable)
- Try to avoid thin Tool Steel Conditions that will promote excessive soldering, and early die fatigue.
- Try to avoid blind spots (Bosses with no ribs for feeding)
- Minimum of 1.5mm fillets and corner radii’s where permissible
- Add ribbing for strength and feeding characteristics
- Try to avoid large wall thickness increases (Maintaining a Uniform Casting Wall Section is crucial
for controlling both types of porosity and filling related defects)
- Gasket Seal Grooves should have adequate draft (2-3 degrees per side) considerations
for maintaining desired net shape (This will aide in preventing drag, and reduce the need
for expensive machining processes)
- Use a practical approach for GD&T Requirements (Work with all mating parts for Feasibility
of Fit Form and Function. This will have a huge impact on cost and quality constraints)
- Allow adequate surface area on casting for proper Ejection (Ejector Pin Placement)
- Design Parting Lines that have gradual transitions, and have a minimum draft angel of
5 Degrees Per Side. (7-10 degree draft is preferred)
- Consideration for Gating the casting should be at the forefront of discussion when
designing the casting (Tech Review Meetings are essential for finding solutions,
and optimizing the casting design)